Thursday, December 29, 2011

Being the Center of Attention Makes Customers Happy

Let's be honest. It's nice to be the center of attention and someone else's top priority. For the past 2ish days I have been just that (or at least I felt like it) by the Microsoft tech support team (specifically Asha T & Haseeb). It all started out as a simple question I posted in their help. (I couldn't get the service pack to download and thus couldn't install Microsoft word on my old desktop computer.) Within hours I received a standard email directing me to some things to try. That didn't work, so I returned to the site and was connected to the live chat with Asha T. My simple little glitch turned into a 4 hour project where Asha worked on my computer, after little resolve, she set a plan of action and on the following day I was connected with Haseeb. Who like-wise diligently worked on resolving the corrupt file I had in my Windows. After 2 days, multiple emails, calling me at home, chatting with me in their chat windows, I can now happily say my case is closed. 
(this is me now)

This was exceptional customer service. And I want to point out why.

Instant and Timely - The whole thing started with an email I received, as mentioned a standard email, but it came within 12 hours of my initial request. When I jumped back into Microsoft and informed them that didn't work, I was able to instantly connect with 'chat.' After hours of working on the problem, and not having great success, it was determined I would be called by another rep between 2-4p EST the following day. My phone rang moments after the clock hit 2p. This same instant and timely response continued through the entire process, not leaving me waiting and wondering and frustrated.

Thorough - I was sent emails recapping conversations/steps taken. I was asked for permission on what needed uninstalled, I was informed what needed done next. The entire time they were running scans, updating settings, I wasn't concerned. While I didn't really know what they were doing from a technical standpoint, I had an idea and thus trusted it was the best step. In essence, they set a plan, they followed the plan and adapted the plan to be successful all the while keeping me informed.

Convenient, Effective, and Efficient - Granted not all customer service programs have this option, but my computer and I never left my house. Because of current technology I was able to share my screen, grant the support control of my computer, and assist when needed. (I actually read a magazine, ate lunch, made some phone calls, all while they worked on my computer.) This was convenient as luck would have it my laptop had to be sent out to be repaired so my desktop is my only computer right now. I couldn't afford (since I work from home) to have my desktop sent out. Effective for the same reason. And efficient because, while it was 2+ days to resolve the entire issue, that's a lot less time than taking my computer to be serviced. Oh, and I must mention, this was a free service provided because I'm a customer!

So what can other customer service, tech support departments learn from my* Microsoft experience? Your customer is only worried about themselves (harsh reality for some), and happy customers write happy reviews, provide happy testimonials, write happy email feedback to managers. Unhappy customers... they do all of the same things just with an 'un' in front of the happy. So make your customers happy, like Microsoft made me. Everyone wants to be the center of attention, and when you're customer is at the center of all of your attention, you're on the right track to keeping, and potentially gaining more happy customers!

*I don't live in such a self centered world to think my positive experience is the same as all Microsoft support customers. The particular technician or customer service rep at a particular business can make or break any experience.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Do I Still Count? 12%

I don't know. I might be a fraud if I count myself as part of the 12%. You can decide below. I'm failing to even maintain my blog... yet maybe it's because I'm doing so awesome with all of my New Year's Resolutions, I simply can't sit still long enough to post...

Or maybe not! Although I must point out, I recognize and promote the need for consistent blogging... I just haven't yet managed to figure out how I can apply that back to my life. Maybe I should look at hiring a blogger.

Without further ado my resolutions:

1. Run a half-marathon. In the entire month of November, I did not run, with exercise and training in mind, even once. I admit it. I'm not proud of it, but I'm past the stage of denial... I think. I don't want to run a half-marathon. I want to be in shape. I want to be healthy. Already this year I've done tremendously better than I have since 2006. I still have some days to try and redeem myself in December. Is a half-marathon going to be checked off my list? Not saying there is NO chance... but I'm not saying there is either!
2. Try new things. I didn't try any new foods in November, I didn't try any overly new habits, I didn't change my hairstyle, I didn't volunteer for anything new. I kinda sound boring for November don't I? I think November was anything but boring and old, it was definitely a whirl wind, likely with at least one thing new, I just can't keep track of the days to acknowledge any!
3. Be better at everything. I think I can confidently say I was better at a lot of things in November. Time management has become a huge one I'm focusing on in December, but other little things I did well with.
4. Find luck. Things have gone well for me as of late, not to jinx myself. I can't say I've officially found luck though. I think maybe I stumbled upon good favor... or something like that!

Of the 4 NYR, November looks to be the absolute worst.  I'm maybe at 2/4 and that's me being generous to myself. I definitely plan to finish 2011 better!

Past NYR updates:
January 1 - 12 percent
End of Jan- 64 percent
End of Feb. - 58ish percent... I bet

End of March - First Quarter. Has to be less than 50%
End of April -  46.8 + or - 2.2... maybe?
End of May -  _____ %.
End of June - 46% Half way!
End of July - I'd like to buy a... 40ish percentage?!
End of August - 32% *
End of September - Craig Adams Percent
End of October - 20% 12 Days Ago