NYR fun fact...
Julius Caesar, in 46 BC, established what has come to be known as the Julian Calendar. It again established January 1 as the new year. But in order to synchronize the calendar with the sun, Caesar had to let the previous year drag on for 445 days.
Here's where I stand... My Resolutions:
1. Run a half-marathon. Insanity continues. I must admit, I'm scared. Starting tomorrow, with August, we begin into the second phase of Insanity. Workouts are longer and more intense... at least the names make it seem that way! Four more weeks, then it's back to getting miles and muscle for the half-marathon.
2. Try new things. I went parasailing!!!! I was nervous and scared before going, then experienced pure excitement and joy while on the boat and the first 5 minutes in the air, then back to nervous and scared when I heard this noise the parachute was making, then back to pure excitement and joy when we dipped in the water! So cool!
I also tried crab dip. Eww.
3. Be better at everything. Well... I think I became a better person sort of in the past few weeks/month. I was turned down for a job with the most encouraging and positive support ever from the employer. This lead me to rethink some things, share some things, discuss some things, and sort of get things off my chest.
I don't even focus on patience any more, because I really think I've sort of made it a part of me!
4. Find luck. Umm... I think I struck out on this again. No doubt I got lucky a few times this month. But I haven't truly found luck yet... if I even know what that means!
Past NYR updates:
January 1 - 12 percent
End of Jan- 64 percent
End of Feb. - 58ish percent... I bet
End of March - First Quarter. Has to be less than 50%
End of April - 46.8 + or - 2.2... maybe?
End of May - _____ %.
End of June - 46% Half way!