Sunday, May 1, 2011

46.8 + or - 2.2... maybe?

I'm not even sure what percentage to make up this time for people still keeping their New Year's resolutions.  I'm still one of them in the success category though.  While the "going strong" from last month might be starting to be questionable, the effort is still there.  But at the end of 4 months, I'm starting to recognize why so many people start to fail.  Aside from the proven reasons, I've found my struggles occur because:

1.  You forget what your resolutions are.
2.  In some cases it really is hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
3.  It's tough to stay motivated when there isn't always visible results.

So for all those that gave up already, shame on you, BUT I understand where you are coming from!

Fun New Year's fact for the month.

In Italy, people wear red underwear on New Year's Day as a symbol of good luck for the upcoming year.

So here's where I'm at:

1. Run a half-marathon. Some days I really hate this resolution.  I only hate it though when I'm actually running.  When I'm weight training it's fine.  But mentally this is tough.  I am competitive, I set goals for myself.  Good things right?  Well not always.  For instance yesterday I set out to do a set distance in a set time.  With a quarter of a mile left I realized I wasn't making the time and I my legs felt like poo.  I got jacked, stopped my watch and walked the rest of the way home.  Really awful reaction that makes me even more mad.  I've occasionally had trouble balancing pushing myself just enough, and pushing too hard. I don't want to cause injuries, so when my body hurts how far do I keep going?  I mean today I feel fine!  I could have pushed harder yesterday.  This run yesterday, it completely ruined the remainder of my day.  Not a good thing and made me realize that after this half-marathon I likely will only run 5 and maybe 10k's.  Things I can do more leisurely and for fun, and really require less training.  You have to really want to run to run distance.  Lately I've found I don't want to...  (Any runners out there with suggestions for motivation when running alone feel free to send them my way, or it is going to be a long 5 months until the half-marathon...)

2. Try new things. I tried pork directly off the pig...  At a pig roast...  They brought it in on a giant charcoal grill. They opened the lid.  I saw a leg and freaked out!  As previously mentioned, I might be a girl from the country, but I'm not a country girl!  For those as disturbed as me by bones and skin, and dead animals in their alive form, just skip ahead to the next resolution...  But it was sort of like a car accident.  You don't want to look but you can't help it.  I went back on a couple occasions and looked inside this grill as they stood there and chopped up this pig.  I saw legs.  Thank God the head was gone.  I looked down it's neck cavity.  It was really one of the more disgusting things I've ever been apart of.  BUT as my boss insisted, I tried the meat... after he made sure there wasn't anything icky (fat, skin, gross stuff) attached to it, and it was surprisingly good.  After much harassment, and requesting my Mom could come clean up some of the pork for me, I even managed to eat a small piece.  While I have no intent to partake in a pig roast any time in the near future, I tried the pork. And for a girl that eats turkey bacon, and has chicken on Easter, I tried something new.  (I also painted my toenails blue! I ALWAYS, for at least 10 years, have them colors from the red/pink family.)

3. Be better at everything. I'm coaching U-8 soccer, which is a new age category for me.  I love it!  AND it definitely helps make me be a better coach.  I'm recalling very easily why I fell in love with the game, and trying my darnedest to assure these kids fall in love with it to!

4. Find luck.  Still working on this...  I hope I found a bit of luck in the job world.  I applied for an internship to attempt to stay current and moving forward in PR while I'm currently working, and was lucky enough after my interview to have my resume/name thrown into a full-time position with the company.  Fingers are definitely staying crossed with this one!

Past NYR updates:
January 1 - 12 percent
End of Jan- 64 percent
End of Feb. - 58ish percent... I bet

End of March - First Quarter. Has to be less than 50%