Fun fact:
"History books tell us we've been doing this silly thing since before Jesus was born. We can blame it on a two-faced guy named Janus. One source I read indicates that in 153 B.C. Janus, a mythical king of early Rome, was featured at the front of the calendar.
Get it? Janus! January!Janus has two faces - one looking back on past events and the other looking forward to the future. As a result Janus became the ancient symbol for resolutions." - Arvid Huisman
My Resolutions:
1. Run a half-marathon. Still working on this one for sure. I'm eating healthier, strength training 3 times a week (accept for last week where I only did 2!), running, kick-boxing, yoga, indoor soccer and whatever else appeals to me and is suggested! Definitely setting the goal of running a half-marathon has done more than the typical 'exercise' resolution that so many make. The few notables/complications have been the fact that after 1 mile of running outside alone I have started to get bored and recall why I was never a distance runner! Mental toughness definitely will need addressed in the next few months!
2. Try new things. So I talked about the amazing Smuckers all natural crunchy pb last month and let me tell you this stuff is awesome! However I have added more things on the food side. I'm a picky eater. I don't like a lot of textures. However I've also realized I don't like foods because I've always said I didn't, and I really have no clue what they taste like! So peppers were suggested to try, and while I instantly said I didn't like them, I bought a red and green one... for the past 3 weeks I would guess I have eaten peppers on at least one meal a day 6 days of the week! I also bought walnuts to put in my desk at work as my afternoon snack... and I don't hate them. I never have. But they just don't taste like much to me... For pseudo-pro I've tried to make the most of my current job and incorporate the skills and degree I do have. I have started looking at some of the sales/marketing flyers and write-ups, as well as the website, to offer my opinion and suggestions. I've also come to realize that I've been involved in quite a few green initiatives in the past 5 years. While not overly making the effort, it just seem to be something I always tend to get excited and drawn to! Once again I'm attempting to learn about more green initiatives and incentives for small businesses under the legislation that Obama passed. For real-pro, I've compiled a list. On the list are people I want to network with. Not a huge step exactly, but another route in attempting to get into the career I want. I'm trying to focus on people and places over job postings.
3. Be better at everything. I'm not sure of anything that varies much from last month. I've continued to focus on patience, being concise and too the point in emails/conversation at work. I'm also looking at recipes to be a better cook! I got pretty excited after watching Worst Cook in America on the Food Network.
4. Find luck. I found a penny at work! It was in someone's office so I attempted to give it back to him but he let me keep it. I looked at the year and it had no significant value to me so I gave it to my boss. (He asked me when I told him my NYR last month if I would share my luck with him once I found it, so I figured this was my attempt.) I've also located a few other pennies, but they were all tails up, so I flipped them over and kept walking to help other people find luck hopefully. As of late, knock-on wood, my luck hasn't been to shabby, but I'm still looking!
My previous NYR updates: