New Year's resolution's fail. We've already acknowledged and accepted that back in my Jan 1, 2011, 12 percent post. HOWEVER, I already determined that I will be in the minority 12 percent of folks that achieve their goals. So this post is definitely more for me than any readers. It makes me accountable. So here's where I stand after month one.
Fun Fact: I found that after one month 64 % of resolutions are still being kept.
My Resolutions:
1. Run a half-marathon. By far this is the one I've put the most into. I am actually working out regularly! I have a friend turned into my trainer (shameless plug who has actually taken over my workouts. You would be surprised how much more I do than if I were still in charge of myself! Only set-back has been "ouchy" knees (as I call it on my calendar), however they don't hurt when I run so I think they'll be overcome! Oh, and all you looking for something to awesomely kick-your-butt I recommend Metabolic Condition and regular elbow touches!
2. Try new things. For my personal world aspect, as mentioned before, I want to try new foods. While it was only two days ago, I bought some Smucker's Natural Crunchy Peanut Butter. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I like it.... and it doesn't have any sugar added! Crazy. Professionally, I've tried things at work, which we will label pseudo-pro, as well as things to help me enter the professional world, they'll be real-pro. As for pseudo-pro, I tried and helped with molding at work. Some day I'll go into detail about my current job, but I'm on the administrative side of a small powdered metal factory... sometimes I cross sides to the production when help is needed. Needless to say. I molded. Woof. For real-pro, the other day I signed up and participated in a webinar on ways to better beat the competition in landing a job. I was skeptical because realistically everything's on the internet, so what could this webinar offer I haven't already read! But I got some good tips from real professionals. All-in-all an hour well spent.
3. Be better at everything. Patience. That's the one I'm working on the most. I think I'm doing a heck of a job. I've also put a great focus on listening to people more. I LOVE to talk and share stories. Sometimes I get a little too excited and cut people off to tell them how I can relate to what they just said... While my intentions aren't bad, it's not a good trait. So I've actually worked on this a lot since prior to setting my NYR* and I think I've improved leaps and bounds. I guess for this resolution I might need to have a guest blogger sometime really evaluate how much I've improved.
4. Find luck. ... umm.... this one is way harder than I hoped. I look for pennies. I find dimes. The snow covering the ground won't let me look for clovers. I don't much like rabbits, thus I don't like rabbit's feet. And well, the couple of lottery tickets I've scratched to evaluate how far I've come... let's just say it would have been better not to scratch and get that stuff off the tickets on my clothes.
*NYR=New Year's Resolution but know I laugh because I read that sentence as "...prior to setting my New York Rangers..."